To create or manage your offers you'll need to navigate to your Team dashboard by clicking the home button, then clicking the 'Offers' tab.

You should see a table of existing offers specified for your team.

Each offer has the following features:

  • Offer name: the title of the product or service offer displayed to customers
  • Logo: an image displayed in the offer summary listing, the logo will be dynamically resized but it will look the best if roughly square in dimensions and a reasonable resolution
  • Images: up to 3 images of the product or service used in the offer detail listing (ideally large and high resolution)
  • Summary: a short one or two sentence summary describing the product or service offer
  • Description: roughly 3 paragraphs of rich text providing a detailed description of the product or service offer
  • Price (optional): a price (fixed price), pricing rate (e.g. per lighting fixture, per floor area), or estimated price range (if a project specific variable price)

To create an offer click 'Create offer' above the Offers table.

To edit an existing offer click 'Edit' next to an offer in the table.

To publish an offer, click 'Publish' next to an offer in the table and select which domains to publish to.

To create and manage offers you need to be registered as an admin or manager within a Supplier team. If you don't have access, contact your team admin.

Projects can be reviewed and managed in the projects dashboard. To navigate to the projects dashboard click the home button and then click the Projects tab in the top of the page.

You should see an interactive map and table of all projects currently requested or in progress for your team.

For each project you should see the following features:

  • Offer: the name of the offer
  • Project type: the specific action being taken by the customer, e.g. lighting, solar, showerhead
  • Client details: the contact details of the customer including name, phone, email and address
  • Quoted price: the specific price listed against the offer that was taken (if provided)
  • Active: whether the project is still active
  • Created: the date that the project was created
  • Status: the current status label or labels for the project, typically the project pipeline status ('Lead', 'Quote', 'Proposal', 'Progress', 'Complete')

To edit the project status click the 'Plus' button or clicking an existing project status flag.

To edit the project status labels, you'll need to be a team admin and navigate to the Labels tab in the Team admin page. We suggest matching your project status labels to match your CRM status labels if you are syncing the project status to your CRM.